Moonshot Works Connects Technologies to Markets.


What we do:

  • We are a tech scout who matches disruptive technologies to solve hard problems as real-world prototypes and products.
  • We focus on bringing TRL-5 to TRL-10.
  • We are called MoonshotWorks, because we actively make “Moonshot Ideas” into real world solutions.
  • We do this by working with founders and our network of partners who have “edge technologies” that can be used in cross-markets to “solve wicked problems” that face humanity.
  • We typically focus on developing solutions for defense technology to promote security and resilience to protect communities from natural disasters, adverse events.
  • We have implementable solutions water, food, power, communications, logistics, housing and more.
  • We then take those solutions and bring them to commercialization process into new markets, generating value by solving the buy side and sell side’s problems at once.

“Solving humanity’s challenges demands imagination, creativity, ingenuity, insight, and old-fashioned grit.”

-Bjorn D. Simundson, Founder.

Our projects can be seen in:

Cage Code: 8LDJ3

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